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Adding state to web user interfaces: reactivity

In the previous section, we discussed how state in web application communication is enabled via cookies. Cookies allow the client and server to maintain state across multiple requests. There is another very different type of state that is important in web applications: statefulness in the client-side user interface. This type of state is used to maintain the application’s state across different user interactions. As web applications have become more complex, the need for statefulness in the client-side user interface has increased.

Motivation for statefulness in the client-side user interface

Imagine you’ve built a full fledged web shop, complete with item categories, user accounts, search, and a shopping cart. Everything from collapsible item descriptions to cart quantity indicators to search filters all need to maintain state across user interactions. Doing all of these things in vanilla JavaScript is totally possible. As the complexity of the application increases, it becomes more and more difficult---from a code complexity level, to a software engineering level, and a performance level---to maintain and improve the application.

An example of statefulness without library help

Imagine you’re building a shopping cart feature where you update both the item count and total price. Using vanilla JavaScript, you might update the DOM directly with something like:

<h1 id="count">: 0</h1>
<h2 id="total">Total Price: $0</h2>
<button id="incrementButton">Add Item</button>
let count = 0;
let total = 0;
document.getElementById("incrementButton").addEventListener("click", () => {
count += 1;
total += 5;
document.getElementById('count').innerText = `: ${count}`;
document.getElementById('total').innerText = `Total Price: $${total}`;

“Source of truth” issues

In this example, the count and total variables are the source of truth for the shopping cart state. However, the DOM elements count and total are derived state that reflect the current state of the shopping cart. When you update the count and total variables, you also need to update the DOM to reflect those changes. If you forget to update the DOM after changing count and total, the UI will display incorrect information, leading to inconsistent and confusing user experiences.

Coupling UI to business logic

In this example, the business logic (updating count and total) is tightly coupled with the DOM manipulation (updating count and total elements). This coupling makes the code harder to maintain and test, as you need to keep track of both the business logic and the UI updates. It also makes it harder to rearrange or refactor the code, as changes to the business logic might require modifying the UI code, and vice versa.


Somewhat similar to the coupling issue, the code is not easily reusable or abstractable. Ideally, we would want the entire “widget” to be reusable anywhere in our application, perhaps by simply instantiating an individual object or by calling an individual function. Both the overall design and the specific callback function above are not easily reusable.

Performance issues

In this case, each time you call innerText, the browser:

  1. Pauses JavaScript Execution: When you update innerText, the browser pauses JavaScript execution to handle the DOM manipulation.

  2. Triggers Layout Recalculation (Reflow): Changing the text content of an element can trigger reflow, as the browser needs to recalculate the layout to adjust for the new content. Even small updates like modifying text can cause a cascade of recalculations in the layout of other elements.

  3. Repaints the UI: After reflow, the browser repaints the updated part of the page to reflect the new content. If you’re changing multiple elements in sequence (like count and total), each update triggers a repaint.

  4. Repeats the Process: After updating the count, the browser resumes JavaScript execution, only to pause again when it hits innerText for total. This triggers another reflow and repaint, leading to redundant, sequential updates.

In a complex UI where state updates happen frequently, or looping over and individually updating several DOM elements, this repeated cycle of DOM updates, reflows, and repaints can cause significant performance problems, leading to jank (visual lag or stuttering) and sluggish user interactions.

Enter React

Here’s a version with the same functionality but written using React:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
// Pure presentational component (no internal state)
function ShoppingCart({ count, total, onIncrement }) {
return (
<h1>: {count}</h1>
<h2>Total Price: ${total}</h2>
<button onClick={onIncrement}>Add Item</button>
// Container component that maintains the state
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const [total, setTotal] = useState(0);
const handleIncrement = () => {
setCount(prevCount => prevCount + 1);
setTotal(prevTotal => prevTotal + 5);
return (
<ShoppingCart count={count} total={total} onIncrement={handleIncrement} />
export default App;

This example separates the concerns of state management and UI presentation.

Manual DOM Updates:

  • Old Problem: In vanilla JS, you manually update specific DOM elements (#count, #total).
  • React’s Solution: The ShoppingCart component no longer knows anything about how the DOM is updated. It just receives count and total as props, which are read only input variables. It then creates an abstract description of what should be rendered into the UI, and hands it off to React to render. React handles the DOM updates behind the scenes, so you don’t have to manually manipulate the DOM. The UI stays up-to-date based on the passed props.

Tight Coupling:

  • Old Problem: In vanilla JS, the logic for updating the UI and the business logic (e.g., how count and total are calculated) are coupled. The UI directly interacts with how these values are updated.
  • React’s Solution: The UI (ShoppingCart) is completely decoupled from the business logic. It just receives the current state (count, total) and renders it. The business logic for updating the state (inside the handleIncrement function) lives in the App component, which passes down the new state and a function to modify the state (onIncrement) as props. This keeps business logic and UI logic separate.

Inconsistent State:

  • Old Problem: In vanilla JS, managing consistent state across different parts of the UI is hard, as you have to ensure that all parts of the DOM are updated when state changes.
  • React’s Solution: The state (count and total) is managed in one place (App), and only the latest values are passed down to the ShoppingCart component. React uses special variables that can persist across invocations of functional components to encapsulate only those specific variables that need to be tracked as application state. React automatically re-renders the component when the state changes, ensuring that the UI always stays in sync with the latest state.


  • Old Problem: In vanilla JS, the logic for updating the DOM is tightly coupled to specific DOM elements, making it hard to reuse code.
  • React’s Solution: The ShoppingCart component is a stateless, reusable presentational component. It doesn’t care how the state is managed—it just receives count, total, and onIncrement as props. This makes it reusable across different parts of the app or even in other projects, as long as it receives the required props.

The important things to identify in this example are that:

  • State is external: The state (count and total) is maintained in the App component, while the ShoppingCart component only displays that state and triggers events (onIncrement) to update it. Other components, like a badge on the cart icon, could display the same state without needing to manually synchronize it.
  • UI is decoupled: The ShoppingCart component is purely a UI component and has no business logic or internal state. It is understandable, reusable, and testable.
  • State and events are passed via props: The UI gets its state via props and sends events (onIncrement) to the parent to request state changes, keeping a clean separation of concerns. If the cart state needs to be persisted to the back end (which it should!), the App component would handle that logic in one place.

(Re)rendering performance

React minimizes the performance issues we saw above with the vanilla JS example by using the Virtual DOM and batched updates:

  • Instead of updating the DOM immediately, React first updates its Virtual DOM (a lightweight in-memory representation of the actual DOM). After all state changes are collected (e.g., setCount and setTotal), React calculates the minimal set of changes needed to the DOM that will be shown to the user.

  • React then batches those changes, updating the real DOM in one operation. In the shopping cart example, React would batch the updates to both count and total, perform a single reflow and repaint, and avoid redundant updates.

This means React efficiently handles updates by reducing the number of costly reflows and repaints, improving performance, and ensuring that the UI stays responsive, even as your app scales in complexity. React’s Virtual DOM and batching mechanism allow developers to focus on updating state declaratively, while React optimizes how those changes are reflected in the real DOM.