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HTTPS fundamentally provides the glue between the HTTP protocol and the TLS protocol.

Key concepts:

  • TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a cryptographic protocol that provides confidentiality and integrity in communication between two parties.
  • TLS is a wrapper around HTTP - HTTPS is just HTTP communication wrapped in TLS, with verification of the server’s identity (the Host: header and the domain name seen in the URL bar).
  • The web uses the Certificate Authority model to establish a foundation of trust for HTTPS.

Cryptography basics

TLS makes use of both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. Here’s a brief overview of these concepts:

  • Symmetric Cryptography: In symmetric cryptography, the same key is used for both encryption and decryption. This key must be kept secret between the parties involved in the communication.

  • Asymmetric Cryptography: In asymmetric cryptography, two keys are used: a public key and a private key. The public key is used for encryption and digital signature verification, while the private key is used for decryption and digital signature creation. The public key can be shared with anyone, while the private key must be kept secret.

    1. To send an encrypted message, the sender encrypts the message with the recipient’s public key. This message can only be decrypted by the recipient’s private key, and thus if they keep their private key secret, they’re the only person who can read the message.
    2. To sign a message, the sender encrypts a hash of the message with their private key. The recipient can then decrypt the hash with the sender’s public key, and if the hash matches the message, they can be sure that the message was sent by the person who owns the private key.
  • Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange: Diffie-Hellman is a key exchange algorithm that allows two parties to securely exchange a shared secret key over an insecure channel. This shared secret key can then be used for symmetric encryption. This algorithm is secure even if an attacker can eavesdrop on the communication between the two parties!

TLS Overview

For the purposes of this class, we need to understand the basics of how TLS works. Here’s a high-level overview:

  • Handshake: The client and server negotiate a secure connection by exchanging messages to agree on cryptographic parameters and establish a shared secret key.

    1. The client sends a ClientHello message to the server, indicating the cryptographic algorithms it supports.
    2. The server responds with a ServerHello message, selecting the cryptographic algorithm it will use and sending its certificate. This certificate contains the information needed for the client to verify, using their trusted root store, that the server is who they say they are.
    3. Using the server’s public key, the client securely generates and sends a shared session key (used for symmetric encryption) through a secure key exchange algorithm (typically via Diffie-Hellman or Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman).

After a successful TLS handshake, the client can be sure that:

  • The server is using a public key that has been signed by a trusted Certificate Authority.
  • All messages they send and receive will be encrypted and secure from eavesdroppers.
  • An attacker cannot impersonate the communication between the client and server.

After a successful handshake, the server can be sure that:

  • All messages they send and receive will be encrypted and secure from eavesdroppers.
  • An attacker cannot impersonate the communication between the client and server.

Note that TLS as used on the web does not verify the client’s identity. That’s why we still need to use passwords and other authentication mechanisms. The protocol does allow for client authentication, but it’s not commonly used on the web.

Once a TLS session has been established, the client and server can send and receive a full duplex reliable in order bytestream. You may recall that this is exactly what normal HTTP is built on top of. This is why HTTPS is just HTTP wrapped in TLS - the TLS layer provides the security guarantees, and the HTTP layer provides the semantics for the communication.

There is one important interaction between the HTTP layer and the TLS layer: the Host: header. The value in this header must match the domain name (or one of the domain names, because certificates can include multiple or even wildcard domain names) in the certificate that the server sends. This is how the client can be sure that they’re talking to the server they think they are.

We’ll see a lot more details of how HTTPS interacts with other parts of the web ecosystem - it has implications for which cookies are sent, which protocols can be used, and even how fast your website loads. But for now, this should provide you with a mental model for understanding what HTTPS is and how it works.