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HTTP 1.1

HTTP 1.1 is the protocol that was in use when the web was becoming the most popular way to access information on the Internet, and the Internet was becoming the most popular way to access information in general. Today we’re going to go over some of those engineering decisions, why they were made, and how we use them as web developers today.

Preliminary Concepts

One of our most important considerations when designing HTTP is performance - we want requests to be fast. How “fast” a network communication is depends on latency, the amount of delay in a communication, and the bandwidth, the amount of data that can be sent in a given amount of time. Generally when you start a new communication, no matter how much data you’re going to send, you’ll incur additional latency costs. Often this is referred to as a “round trip time” or RTT. If a client needs to send even one bit to the server, and then wait for the server to respond, no matter how fast the server is or the bandwidth of the connection, the entire system will need to wait that entire round trip (latency from client to server + latency from server to client) before moving forward.

The layers below HTTP

There’s far more information about this in Computer Networks courses, but for our purposes, we need to understand that:

When a computer wants to make a connection to a given host that is identified by a hostname, it needs to look up the IP address of that host. This is done by sending a DNS query to a DNS server. This means that every time a client needs to talk to a new / different host, it will need to wait for a DNS lookup (a full RTT) before it can even start the HTTP connection.

In addition to this delay, the client will also need to establish a TCP connection to the server. This requires a “three way handshake” between the client and the server, which itself requires a full RTT, then an ACK being sent by the client, and only then can the client start sending data. This means that in garden variety HTTP, the client will need to wait for two full RTTs before it can start sending data. In HTTPS, this is even more complicated, because the client and server need to negotiate a secure connection, which requires even more round trips.

Takeaway: new connections, especially to new servers, adds a lot of delay to using HTTP. These messages are typically very small, so this delay is far more sensitive to the latency between the client and server than the bandwidth between the client and the server.

HTTP/1.1 Overview

Connection: keepalive/closed

One way that we can reduce the latency of HTTP requests is by reusing the same connection for multiple requests. This is called a “keepalive” connection. The basic idea is that if the server can indicate where the end of their response is, the client can send another request without needing to wait to establish a new connection. This is done by setting the Connection: keepalive header in the response. This is the default behavior in HTTP/1.1, but it can be overridden by the server by setting Connection: close.

The end of the response is indicated by the server setting the Content-Length header, which tells the client how many bytes to expect in the response. When the client is sending a non-empty request (i.e. a POST with a body), it will also set the Content-Length header to indicate how many bytes the server should expect in the request body.

Chunked encoding

But what if you don’t know where the end of the response is? If the server caches the entire response before sending it, that can slow the entire process down and cause unnecessary memory usage on the server. Therefore, the server can also use “chunked encoding” to send the response in pieces. This is done by setting the Transfer-Encoding: chunked header in the response, and then sending the response in chunks, each of which is preceded by the length of the chunk. The end of the response is indicated by a chunk with a length of 0.

This is useful for streaming data (twitch streams, YT videos, etc), or for responses that are generated on the fly and don’t have a known length when the response starts.

Request pipelining

Now that we have this primitive of “keepalive” connections, we can start to think about how to use them more efficiently. One way to do this is by using “request pipelining”. This is the idea that the client can send multiple requests to the server without waiting for the response to the first one. There is nothing stopping the client from sending multiple requests in a row without waiting for the response to the first one, and the server can respond to them in any order. This can be a big performance win, especially if the client knows that it will need to make multiple requests to the server in a row.

Unfortunately, this was a bad idea in practice. The key issue is a problem called “head of line blocking”. If the server is slow to respond to one request, it will block all the other responses that are in the pipeline behind it. This means that the client can’t take advantage of the parallelism that it could have if it had waited for the response to the first request before sending the second one, or if it had sent the request in parallel over a different TCP connection.

Simultaneous connection limits and domain sharding

In practice, most browsers limit the number of simultaneous connections to six per domain. This is because the browser doesn’t want to overwhelm the server with too many requests at once, and because the browser doesn’t want to overwhelm the client with too many open connections. When a browser wants to send and receive as many requests as possible as fast as possible, it will open new connections to the same server up to a limit of six to send and receive those messages in parallel.

If that still isn’t enough, the browser can also use a technique called “domain sharding”. Just because there is a limit of six connections per domain doesn’t mean that an individual website isn’t limited to serving all of its assets from a single domain. Domain sharding takes advantage of the fact that the browser can open six connections to each domain, and serves assets from multiple subdomains of the same domain. This adds additional DNS lookups, TCP connections, and especially additional website complexity (which assets get served from which server? which assets get their links added to the body of the document at which server? etc), but it can be a performance win in some situations.

Thankfully, modern web applications have solved these issues more elegantly in HTTP/2 and beyond, and we don’t need to use these hacks anymore.


HTTP Headers can be used to indicate to the client that the response can be cached. This is done using the Cache-Control header, which can have a number of different values. The most common are:

  • Cache-Control: no-cache - the client can cache the response, but it must revalidate it with the server before using it.
  • Cache-Control: no-store - the client must not cache the response.
  • Cache-Control: max-age=3600 - the client can cache the response for 3600 seconds (1 hour) before revalidating it with the server.

This header is typically set by the server, indicating to the client how / how long it should cache the response within their private cache, also known as the browser cache. The client can also set this header in a request to indicate to intermediate caches (aka public caches) how they should cache the response, or whether they should send a cached response to the client vs. request a new version from the origin.

Content-encoding (compression)

Another important header for performance is the Content-Encoding header. This header tells the client how the response is encoded, and the client can then decode it. This is typically used for compression, where the server compresses the response before sending it to the client, and the client decompresses it before using it. This can be a big performance win, especially for text-based responses like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The most common encoding is Content-Encoding: gzip, which is a lossless compression algorithm that is widely supported by browsers and servers. This compression is done on the fly by the server, and the client can decompress it using a library like zlib.

Range requests

Another important header for performance is the Range header. This header allows the client to request only part of a response, which can be useful for large responses like videos. The server can then respond with only the requested part of the response, which can save bandwidth and latency.


Web application developers can’t do much about the latency or bandwidth of a user’s connection to the Internet, but we can improve our applications’ performance by manipulating the latency between our application and our users. This is most commonly done using a content distribution network, which does two things:

  • It duplicates part of our application in multiple locations around the world, so that users can connect to the closest one.
  • It routes users to the closest location using DNS and multihomed IP addresses.

As we saw earlier, clients make DNS requests to determine which IP address to connect to. DNS servers typically have some idea of where the request is coming from (either using the source IP address or a technology called edns-client-subnet), and can return different IP addresses based on that information. Alternatively, the server can use a technique called “anycast” to route the user to the closest server. THis leverages the Internet’s “find the shortest path to a given IP address” routing algorithm, and multiple entries for the same IP in different places.

More reading: High Performance Browser Networking