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Homework 2 - Frontend


Release: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 8:00:00 AM

Due: Friday, October 4, 2024 at 2:00:00 PM


Create a new private repository under your own GitHub account from this template. Sharing your code for the assignment, intentionally or unintentionally, is a violation of the academic integrity policy in this course.

Installing required packages

Open the terminal window and type in npm install. This will install all the dependencies listed in the package.json file and will create a folder node_modules where all these dependencies will be installed. npm run dev will run a local development server and open a web browser window for you that’s pointed at your application.

Skeleton code

The skeleton code of the application is designed to give you a better understanding on React and its features. The given project is 70% done, requiring some functionalities to be implemented. You just need to add the logic as described in the TODOs. There may be a few TODOs missing, but they’re easily detectable when debugging. Don’t worry about anything inside the backend folder, nothing is missing there.

Starting the project and navigating

Before running the project please make sure that you have installed all the dependencies mentioned in the step Installing required packages. Start the project by typing npm run dev in the terminal and open the URL in a browser.

If you just cloned the skeleton, the app won’t work because some crucial code is missing.

To start navigating through the project, start with the index.html page and then follow the path to check how components are used. The main component used in this app is App (you can find the code for this in App.tsx). From here check the other components used, and how they’re supposed to interact with the rest of the application. All other components are in /components folder.

Note: You should only need to change files in /frontend folder, specifically the App.tsx and the files in /frontend/components folder. It can be useful to take a look at backend/api.ts to understand what parameters the API is expecting, but nothing is missing there.


Your code must function identically to the fully functional application.

  1. The homepage shows a page with a list of products from Costco. Each product has an image, a name and the ID.
  2. You should be able to search products through the input box displayed.
  3. Selecting the icon to the left (add), a form titled “Add New Product” should appear. Clicking “Add product” after entering at least the product name should add the new product to the list and the view should go back to the homepage.
  4. Selecting the icon to the right (bin), a form titled “Delete Product” should appear. Clicking “Delete product” after entering the product ID should delete the product from the list and the view should go back to the homepage.
  5. In the homepage, it should be possible to navigate through the pages using numbers displayed under the grid of elements. Note that the current page should have the class active.

Testing your code

npm run test will run the test suite locally. Remember, as with any other assignments in class, you should double check that your tests are passing in the gradescope environment in addition to your local environment. “It works on my machine” does not count as a valid excuse for failing tests in the autograder. Furthermore, for this homework the testsuite on Gradescope will be slightly different.


Displays products on the home page10
Navigates through pages and displays correct products10
Returns correct number of products for pagination10
Adds a new product and confirms it appears on the page10
Searches for a product and displays the results10
Deletes a product and confirms it is not visible10
Displays error message when it’s impossible to connect to the server10
Calls setQuery and setCurrentPage with correct arguments on input change5
Submits correct data in add mode5
Handles API error gracefully in add mode5
Resets form fields after successful submission in add mode5
Submits correct data in delete mode5
Handles API error gracefully in delete mode5
Displays products on page5
Navigates through pages5
Bonus: CI Tests (Lint, Format, Typecheck)9

Due date

This assignment is due at Friday, October 4, 2024 at 2:00:00 PM.