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Final Project checkpoint 2

Precisely enumerate what you want your app to do

Due: Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 8:00:00 AM

TLDR: submit this form before the deadline.

What to submit

For this deliverable you must describe, as precisely as possible, the specific architecture that your app will use. If you’ll be using any particular framework, library, database, software as a service, etc, identify it and show where it fits into your overall architecture.

You must also specifically describe the minimum viable product list of functionalities that you expect to have done by Checkpoint 3 (which will be due Friday, November 15th), which should be (a) a subset of your full project as described in checkpoint 1 and (b) should be chosen to exercise the most important parts of your architecture. In other words, don’t get the front end and user authentication and profile pictures done but not (insert your app’s unique interesting functionality) - make sure whatever makes your app unique is part of the minimum viable product. As always, post on Piazza or come to OH if you’re having trouble deciding what to commit to finishing by checkpoint 3.

When creating your architecture diagram, I suggest using excalidraw and providing a link to that diagram, but you don’t need to if you feel you can adequately describe your architecture without it.

What happens if you don’t turn in the checkpoint?

Nothing besides the MVP (due in week 12) and the final project (due at the end of week 15) are graded for points. The things that you propose in each checkpoint set expectations for what your group will do and how you’ll do it. If you don’t set those expectations, I’ll just grade everything based on what I think a good project is expected to do - you could receive full points because what you did was actually fine, or you could receive zero points because you’re not implementing what I expected you’d implement. It’s highly recommended you do the work to prepare and submit this checkpoint.