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Final Final Project!

Make your app do the thing

Due: Friday, December 6, 2024 at 8:00:00 AM

TLDR: submit this form before the deadline.

For this deliverable, you’re responsible for four core things:

  • Provide a link to your deployed app where I can test the functionality.
  • Provide a link to your source repository/repositories where I can see the code.
  • Provide a description of what your initial plan was for the functionality of the app, and the final functionality of the app. If you realize any time before the deadline that one of your deliverables from checkpoint 1 is not going to be met, contact me ASAP and we can see if we can adjust the scope of the project.
  • Provide any information about which special credentials needed for specific 3rd party API restrictions (i.e. needing to add my google or spotify account to a list of approved testers). This should just be a reminder - you need to reach out to me beforehand if this applies to your project.

Your deliverable is a deployed website

Rather than testing code, we will be testing a deployed website for this deliverable. This means that while you can continue to work on your app after the deadline, we can perform our testing at any time, and if your app is in a broken state in production when we test it, you will get the points that that version of the site earns. In other words, if you wish to continue working on your app after the deadline, you ABSOLUTELY MUST work on new features on a branch besides the main deployed branch (or you can submit a “mvp” branch deploy), and if you do want to push “improvements” to the version that I grade, make darn sure that you’ve tested it thoroughly before doing so.